Monday, August 17, 2009

Ripples and still water

Melissa and Ayana made quite a splash on their visit back in mid-July - what with Melissa's artful display of marvelous mothering skills, obviously learned from her own mother, and Ayana's good manners never interfering with her ability to charm others into having a raucous good time. In contrast, Jake was quiet, subdued, and nearly - no, completely - invisible, thanks to his new Ghillie suit, which he never took off. Since we were outdoors a lot, we rarely saw him, though he was always nearby, keeping a watchful eye out for anyone intent on harming our gentle, unobservant crew. He saved me a $100 at the hotel by camouflaging himself as a potted plant, and saved himself nearly $70 at Disney Land, when two ground-keepers, mistaking him for a Brazilian hardwood tree, picked him up and carried him into the tropical rainforest exhibit. We had a hell of a time digging him out with our hands; he had been buried up to his knees in dirt, which had been thoroughly tamped down and soaked with water.

Cindy and Steve, I now have airconditioning, though I haven't used it yet. When it hits 120, maybe. Until then, caveman that I am, I will sweat it out. But if you two ever show up, I promise to turn it on - just for you.


1 comment:

  1. hi guys
    First off, very good observation skills, Paul. Secondly, I laughed so hard at John's story of Jake's gheilly (??) suit. he actually wore it out on a paint ball game with Charles and had to take it off after one short game. He was too hot and this was on a cloudy, cool day. And John, Steve and I would like to claim a room at your house for Takaya and Ilona's wedding. She graciously invited us over, but I insisted on being a burden on YOU! Maybe everyone can hang out at your house and we'll throw all night parties and drink to excess, all the while the airconditioning will be humming in the background.
    Right now Steve and I are at the cabin as the weather has turned hot one more time. Steve mostly complains about the hot weather and stays inside while Lorne and I hang out on the dock and swim. Somehow I envisioned life at the lake to be steve and me with a cocktail in one hand, our other hand romantically intwined as we gazed out at the stars sitting in our deck chairs. Instead, steve hides in the cabin when it is hot checking on his stocks,and at night we watch videos of "Gray's Anatomy" On well, we do hear the water in the background. Hope everyone in the family is doing well!
