Monday, July 27, 2009

Introduction To the Brunner Family Blog

Here is the kick off message from the Brunner family blog. This is a place where any one of us can log in and keep each other updated. Feel free to write anything you want the rest of the family to know i.e., work updates, children updates, engagement updates, interesting occurrences, amount of weight you lifted at Strong 101 etc. Blogging, as opposed to email exchanges, are less tedious and allows the readers to peruse updates at their own leisure.

This is a free alternative, but if it becomes more and more popular we might want to look into creating a family website where we can host pictures and have family updates etc. I'll look into this, but why don't we have a free trial run first?

Remember that a resource like this is very powerful, but the content is dictated by those that contribute to it. Look forward to everybody's updates!



  1. Thanks for doing this Takaya! I think it's a great idea.

    I've sent some pictures by mail to Ilona's house today so expect to receive them sometime next week. I will let everyone know when something of interest happens in my life. It may take awhile...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh sorry, that was my post above.
